The Authors Spot
The Authors Spot Podcast will take you on a journey into the minds of up and coming authors. Giving you a look into what has inspired them and their literary body of work.
The Authors Spot
Interview with Author Naleighna Kai
Teresa James
Season 3
Episode 11
As we close out Women's History Month, the Hottest Spot for the reader in you is visited by a historical woman in her own right as National Bestselling Author, Literary Agent, Amazon Influencer, Book Coach, Developmental Editor and Publishing Consultant Naleighna Kai! The wearer of many hats and whisperer of many books takes us into her world as she allows us to view the Literary Arts through Kai's Kaleidoscope. We look into some of her more controversial book angles and breakdown the struggle between independent and traditional publishing.
Some of Naleighna's better known works include the titles:
Every Woman Needs a Wife
Kings of the Castle
90 Days of Pleasure
Open Door Marriage
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